So, how is life going?

Not everything important about life is captured by looking at last month's calendar days. On the Evaluate tab, we'll give you some prompts to look at what's important in your life.

The first half of this tab has four simple questions. The blank version looks like this —

Filled out, it will look something like this —

Basically, you're answering four questions. It's pretty self-explanatory. What's the biggest problem? What's the biggest opportunity? You got any major commitments? (A lot of people neglect to think about their preexisting commitments when doing planning.) And finally, what skills or habits might be most beneficial to cultivate?

Again, everything you write in the purple boxes are carried over; the white boxes are not. If it's potentially important or relevant for next month, put it in purple.

And Looking At Your Impact Areas

Impact Areas are the areas that are, umm, impactful towards how your life goes. Almost everyone has items like "Health" and "Personal Finance" as Impact Areas, whereas you'll almost certainly have some unique ones to you. If you're a musician, you might have both "Practicing Music" and "Composing Music" as Impact Areas. As you'll see below, Sebastian has "Team" as an added Impact Area since Ultraworking is hiring and bringing on some great team members.

Blank, it looks like this —

Filled out, it looks something like this —

Two things of note —

(1) You'll get the most mileage by adding your own Impact Areas. Add as many as you like. If you're a student, "Studying." If you're learning a foreign language, perhaps, "Practicing Chinese vocabulary." Everyone has different Impact Areas — add a few that are relevant to you.

(2) Of course, put the important takeaways in purple. Purple stuff gets carried over.

This tab should be pretty fast — when you're done with it, click on over to Prioritize...

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